People of Humane AI

Leader in companies, SMEs, foundations, etc.

Name Organization
Marc Contat Airbus
Liu Yuanting Fortiss GmbH
Bencini Farina Antonio Generali Italia
Consiglio Davide Generali
Alpmann Jan German E
Bosman Joost ING Bank NL
Thilakarathne Dilhan ING Bank NL
Orlic Davor K4E Foundation
Bezzi Michele SAP Sweden
Teglia Antonella SAP Sweden
Gerteis Wolfgang SAP Sweden
Gatellier Patrick Thales
Benjamins Richard Telefonica
Berzins Aivars Tilde
Skadins Raivis Tilde
Andrii Kleshchonok Volkswagen GmbH
Weimer Daniel Volkswagen GmbH
Hilbert Marc Volkswagen GmbH

Professors, deans, directors, group leaders

Name Organization Specialization Scholar link
REHM Georg DFKI Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Language Technology, Computational Linguistics, Semantic Web Google Scholar
KIRCHNER Frank DFKI artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, Human-Machine-Interface, walking robots Google Scholar
SLUSALLEK Philipp DFKI Visual Computing, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, High-Performance Computing Google Scholar
LUKOWICZ Paul DFKI Wearable Computing, Pervasive Computing, Human Centric Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Self Organization Google Scholar
KASKI Samuel Aalto University Information visualization, Data analysis, data science Computational biology and medicine, bioinformatics, Brain signal analysis Information retrieval, proactive interfaces, user modeling Google Scholar
OULASVIRTA Antti Aalto University Human-Computer Interaction, Computational Interaction Google Scholar
POLAVIEJA Gonzalo Algebraic AI Collective Behavior, Machine Learning, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
GAROFALAKIS Minos Athena Big data analytics, Data streams, Data mining and machine learning, Data Management, Database Systems Google Scholar
IOANNIDIS Yannis Athena Database & Info Systems, Data Science, Data Infrastructures, Recommender Systems, Data & Text Analytics Google Scholar
PAPAGEORGIOU Haris Athena Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing Google Scholar
CERNOCKY Jan Brno University Speech processing, Signal processing, Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
BURGET Lukas Speech processing, Machine learning, Bayessian systems, signal processing Google Scholar
Cortes Ulises Barcelona Supercomputer Center Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Decision, Making High-Performance, Artificial Intelligence, Ethics Google Scholar
KERTÉSZ János CEU Private University complex networks, econophysics, computational social science Google Scholar
Conti Marco CNR Italy cloud computing, mobile computing, production engineering computing, telecommunication power management, Internet of Things, manufacturing systems,q ueueing theory, wireless LAN Google Scholar
Giannotti Fosca CNR Italy explainable artificial intelligence, trustworthy AI, data mining, social network analysis, mobility & privacy Google Scholar
Passarella Andrea CNR Italy Online Social Networks, BigData analytics, Mobile Edge Computing, opportunistic networks, mobile networks Google Scholar
CALDARELLI Guido CNR Italy Network Theory, Network Science, Statistical Physics, Complex Systems Google Scholar
YVON François CNRS France Natural Language Processing, Speech Processing, Computational Linguistics, Machine Translation Google Scholar
LOPEZ DE MANTARAS Ramon CSIC Spain Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Case-Based Reasoning, Robotics, Computational Creativity Google Scholar
SIERRA Carles CSIC Spain Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
HAJIC Jan Charles University Prague Computational Linguistics, Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
SZIKLAI Peter Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem finite fields, geometry, discrete math Google Scholar
LORINCZ Andras Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience, Human-AI Collaboration Google Scholar
HORVATH Zoltan Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem computer science, functional programming, distributed programming Google Scholar
Lukacs Andras Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Combinatorics, Graph Theory Google Scholar
Csabai Istvan Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Complex systems, Astronomy, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Networks Google Scholar
Gulyas Laszlo Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Computational Social Science, Agent-Based Social Simulation, Complex Networks, Data and Text Mining, Big Data and Internet of Things Google Scholar
Botzheim János Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Computational Intelligence, Cognitive Robotics Google Scholar
HELBING Dirk ETH GESS Zurich Complex systems, pedestrians and crowds, traffic and logistics, risk reduction, digital society Google Scholar
TRAVERSO Paolo Fondazione Bruno Kessler Artificial Intelligence, Software Services, Automated Planning Google Scholar
SERAFINI Luciano Fondazione Bruno Kessler Knowledge representation, Artificial intelligence, Semantic Web, Applied Ontology, Neuro-Symbolic architectures Google Scholar
GHIDINI Chiara Fondazione Bruno Kessler distributed knowledge representation and reasoning, knowledge acquisition, process mining Google Scholar
RUEPING Stefan Fraunhofer Institut machine learning Google Scholar
GAMA João INESC TEC Porto Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Stream Mining, Concept Drift Google Scholar
PAIVA Ana INESC ID Social Agents, Social Robots, Human-Robot and Human-Agent Interaction, Virtual Agents, Multiagent Systems, Affective Computing Google Scholar
SCHOENAUER Marc INRIA Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning Google Scholar
CROWLEY James INRIA Computer Vision, Robotics, Multimodal Interaction, Pervasive Computing, Ambient Intelligence Google Scholar
Vaufreydaz Dominique INRIA multimodal perception of people and groups, affective computing, smart spaces, ubiquitous computing, healthcare and assistive technology Google Scholar
MACKAY Wendy INRIA Human Computer Interaction Google Scholar
GROBELNIK Marko Institut Jozef Stefan Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing Google Scholar
Schmidt Albrecht LMU Munich Human Computer Interaction, Mobile HCI, Ubiquitous Computing, Interaction Design, Intelligent User Interfaces Google Scholar
Seidl Thomas LMU Munich Databases, Data Mining, Clustering, Similarity, Search Google Scholar
LOUTFI Amy Örebro University Sweden artificial intelligence, robotics, human robot interaction Google Scholar
SAFFIOTTI Alessandro Örebro University Sweden Cognitive robotics, artificial intelligence, technology for elder people, fuzzy logic Google Scholar
VAN HALTEREN Aart Philips Health Behavior Informatics, Digital Health Google Scholar
CHETOUANI Mohamed Sorbonne University social signal processing, human-robot interaction, interactive machine learning, multimodal interaction Google Scholar
Chatila Raja Sorbonne University Robotics,AI, Learning, AI Ethics, Hurman-Robot Interaction Google Scholar
Doncieux Stephane Sorbonne University Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Neural networks, Evolutionary algorithms, Evolutionary robotics Google Scholar
HINDRIKS Koen Free University Amsterdam Socially AI, Social Robots, Human-Robot Interaction, Cognitive Agents, Agent Programming Languages Google Scholar
VAN HARMELEN Frank Free University Amsterdam Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Semantic Web, Linked Data Google Scholar
MÜLLER Klaus-Robert TU Berlin Machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, computational neuroscience
HAKLIDIR Mehmet Tübitak Bilgem Türkiye Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Modelling and Simulation, Robotics Google Scholar
Öztanir Olcay Tübitak Bilgem Türkiye
VAN DEN HOVEN Jeroen TU Delft Ethics, Technology, ICT Google Scholar
JONKER Catholijn TU Delft Artificial intelligence, agent technology, decision support, cognitive modelling, automated negotiation Google Scholar
KUHN Jochen TU Kaiserslautern Physics Education Research, Multiple Representations, Multimedia Learning, Technology-Enhanced Learning, Eye Tracking Google Scholar
Zweig Katharina Anna TU Kaiserslautern network analysis, graph theory, socioinformatics Google Scholar
EITER Thomas TU Wien knowledge representation and reasoning, declarative problem solving, artificial intelligence, computational logic Google Scholar
MIKSCH Silvia TU Wien Visual Analytics, Information Visualization, Interaction Methods, Time, Guidance Google Scholar
O’SULLIVAN Barry University College Cork Parameterized Complexity Constraint Satisfaction, Artificial Intelligence, Constraint Programming Google Scholar
HORNBÆK Kasper Kopenhagen University Human-computer interaction, information visualization, large displays, tangible user interfaces, user experience Google Scholar
Reignier Patrick University Grenoble Alpes Ambiant Intelligence, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Smart Energy Google Scholar
HOOS Holger-Hendrik Leiden University Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Automated Reasoning, Empirical Algorithmics, Automated Algorithm Design Google Scholar
Dignum Virginia Umea University Sweden artificial intelligence, multi agent systems, human-agent interaction, ethics of artificial intelligence, agent based modelling Google Scholar
Dignum Frank Umea University Sweden multi agent systems, social simulation Google Scholar
LINDGREN Helena Umea University Sweden Personalisation, User modeling, Human-AI collaboration, Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
MILANO Michela University of Bologna Artificial Intelligence, Computational Sustainability, Constraint Programming Google Scholar
CUCCHIARA Rita University of Modena Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Deep Learning, Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
PEDRESCHI Dino University of Pisa Data Science, Data Mining, Social Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Data Ethics Google Scholar
Bicchi Antonio University of Pisa Robotics, Haptics, Automatic Control Google Scholar
Ferragina Paolo University of Pisa Algorithms and Data Structures, Data Compression, Information Retrieval, Web Search and Mining, Big Data Google Scholar
GORI Marco University of Siena Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Web mining Google Scholar
SHAWE-TAYLOR John UCL Machine learning Google Scholar
ROGERS Yvonne UCL human computer interaction, interaction design, cognitive science Google Scholar
NOWAK Andrzej Warsaw University social psychology, social influence, social change, computer simulations, complexity science Google Scholar
Chrisley Ron University of Sussex Cognitive Science, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy Google Scholar
HILDEBRANDT Mireille Free University of Belgium artificial intelligence, legal philosophy, privacy, human rights Google Scholar

Seniors (or H>20)

Name Organization Specialization Scholar link
Marheinecke Katrin DFKI
ZHOU Bo DFKI Embedded Intelligence, wearable computing, digital sport, bio-medical engineering Google Scholar
Vögele Thomas DFKI
Hegele Stefanie DFKI
Felipe Vargas Juan DFKI
Pappas Dimitris Athena
CONTAT Marc Airbus
Madonar Sergi Barcelona Supercomputer Center
DIEZ Mireia University of Brno Speaker Recognition, Language Recognition, Speaker Diarization, Bayesian systems Google Scholar
SCHWARZ Petr Speech processing, Speaker recognition, Speech recognition, Industrial applications of AI, Dialogue systems, Natural Language Processing Google Scholar
PLCHOT Oldrich Speech processing, Speaker recognition, High performance computation, Machine Learning Google Scholar
Rinzivillo Salvatore CNR Italy data mining, mobility analysis Google Scholar
Nanni Mirco CNR Italy Data mining, Mobility data analysis Google Scholar
Pappalardo Luca CNR Italy Human Behaviour, Data Science, Computational Social Science, Human Mobility, Sports Analytics Google Scholar
Pontieri Luigi CNR Italy Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, Business Process Intelligence, Databases Google Scholar
Manco Giuseppe CNR Italy Data Mining, Recommender Systems,Social Network Analysis Google Scholar
Rossetti Giulio CNR Italy Complex Networks, Dynamic Networks, Feature Rich Networks, Community Detection Google Scholar
Andrighetto Giulia CNR Italy Google Scholar
Boldrini Chiara CNR Italy Social Computing, Human-centric AI, Decentralised AI, Urban Computing, Opportunistic Networks Google Scholar
PAOLUCCI Mario CNR Italy Social Simulation, Reputation, Norms, Social Artefacts, Agent-Based Social Simulation
Sabouret Nicolas CNRS France HCI, MultiAgent Systems Google Scholar
Devillers Laurence CNRS France Speech Processing, Affective Computing, Ethics Google Scholar
Martin Jean-Claude CNRS France Affective Computing, HCI Google Scholar
Rosset Sophie CNRS France Speech Processing, Dialog systems Google Scholar
CERQUIDES Jesús CSIC Spain Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
BOJAR Ondrej Charles University Prague machine translation, speech translation, parsing, treebanking Google Scholar
DUSEK Ondrej Charles University Prague natural language generation, spoken dialogue systems, chatbots, natural language processing
Urešová Zdeňka Charles University Prague valency, semantics, lexicology, corpus, lexicography Google Scholar
PISTORE Marco Fondazione Bruno Kessler Computer Science, Service Oriented Computing Google Scholar
MAGNINI Bernardo Fondazione Bruno Kessler Intelligenza Artificiale, Computational Linguistics Google Scholar
JORGE Alípio INESC TEC Porto data science, machine learning, NLP, recommender systems, artificial intelligence Google Scholar
PRADA Rui INESC ID Games, Human Agent Interaction, Socially Intelligent Agents, Game AI, Cognitive Modeling Google Scholar
MELO Francisco INESC TEC Porto Reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning, machine learning, planning in single and multiagent systems Google Scholar
CORREIA Miguel INESC TEC Porto Blockchain and Byzantine Consensus, Cloud Security and Dependability, Software Security, Trusted Computing, Security Analytics Google Scholar
de Ruyter Boris Philips psychology, artificial intelligence, ambient intelligence Google Scholar
Bailly Gilles Sorbonne University HCI, Decision making, Skill acquisition, Command Selection, User expertise Google Scholar
Caramiaux Baptiste Sorbonne University Social Computing, Human-Machine Interaction, Design, Machine Learning, Performing Arts Google Scholar
Khamassi Mehdi Sorbonne University AI for Robotics, AI for Neuroscience, Learning, Decision-making, AI Ethics, Hurman-Robot Interaction Google Scholar
KLEIN Michel Free University Amsterdam Artificial Intelligence, Behavior change, User modellingPhysical activity, Wearables Google Scholar
Perez Ortiz Maria UCL Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI in Sustainable Development, AI in Education, Educational Data Mining, Open Education Google Scholar
Barber David UCL Machine learning, probabilistic modelling, artificial intelligences Google Scholar
Yilmaz Emine UCL Information retrieval, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI in Education, Educational Data Mining, Google Scholar
WEHN Norbert TU Kaiserslautern Computer and Electrical Engineering Google Scholar
IGEL Christian Kopenhagen University machine learning, computational intelligence, optimization, computational neuroscience Google Scholar
Perrier Pascal University Grenoble Alpes Speech Communication, Speech Motor Control, Orofacial Biomechanics, Speech Disorders, Neurophonetics Google Scholar
SARTORI Laura University of Bologna Artificial intelligence, Inequalities and AI discrimination, AI, Social Agency and AI Narratives Google Scholar
Gamberini Michela University of Bologna Google Scholar
BREVEGLIERI Rossella University of Bologna Neuroscience Google Scholar
FATTORI Patrizia University of Bologna Neuroscienze
CONTUCCI Pierluigi University of Bologna Mathematical Physics, Statistical Mechanics and Applications, Boltzmann Machines Google Scholar
CHESANI Federico University of Bologna Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
TORRONI Paolo University of Bologna Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Argumentation, Multi-Agent Systems, Computational Logic Google Scholar
Baraldi Lorenzo University of Modena Computer Vision, Vision and Language, Machine Learning, Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence Google Scholar
Guidotti Riccardo University of Pisa Explainable AI, Data Mining, Clustering Algorithms, Personal Data Analytics, Interpretable Machine Learning Google Scholar
RUGGIERI Salvatore University of Pisa Computer Science Google Scholar
FERRARI Gian Luigi University of Pisa Communications, Networking, Signal Processing, Internet of Things, Smart Systems Google Scholar
MONREALE Anna University of Pisa Data mining, Privacy, Explainable AI, Data Science Google Scholar
ROGGEN Daniel University of Sussex Wearable computing, ubiquitous computing, embedded machine learning, artificial intelligence, robotics
BAILLY Gerard University of Grenoble Alpes Multimodal speech synthesis, Cognitive Robotics Google Scholar

Juniors and PhD students etc. (or low H)


Name Organization Specialization Scholar link
Javaheri Hamraz DFKI Augmented reality, artificial intelligence, General surgery, education, wearables Google Scholar
Martin Fernando Maroto Algebraic AI Discrete Mathematics, Universal Algebra and Model Theory, Probabilistic Inference, Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence, Algorithm Design Google Scholar
ZMOLIKOVA Katerina Speech processing, Speaker separation, Neural signal processing Google Scholar
Karthick Murali BASKAR Speech processing, Speech recognition, Low-resource training, End-to-end systems Google Scholar
Fučíková Eva Charles University Prague Google Scholar
Hudeček Vojtěch Charles University Prague neural networks, NLP Google Scholar
Nekvinda Tomáš Charles University Prague NLP, Speech synthesis, Dialogue systems Google Scholar
Rysová Kateřina Charles University Prague Computational Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Czech Language, Syntax, Historical Linguistics Google Scholar
Milli Letizia CNR Italy Data mining, Complex Networks, Dynamics on Networks Google Scholar
Fazzinga Bettina CNR Italy Google Scholar
Pratesi Francesca CNR Italy  
Biondi Elisabetta CNR Italy  
Ravenet Brian CNRS France HCI, Virtual reality, Affective Computing Google Scholar
Guinaudeau Camille CNRS France Speech Processing, Natural Language Processing Google Scholar
Evrard Marc CNRS France Speech Processing Google Scholar
Metta Carlo CNR Italy Machine Learning, Explainable AI, Reinforcement Learning Google Scholar
OSMAN Nardine CSIC Spain Artificial Intelligence, Multiagent Systems, Formal Verification, Trust and Reputation Google Scholar
Elisabeth Stockinger ETH GESS Zürich  
Carina Hausladen ETH GESS Zürich  
Koch Janin INRIA Human-AI collaboration, Creativity, HCI, Design Google Scholar
Castelli Eric INRIA Speech processing, Linguistics, Phonetics, Human-Machine Interaction, Pervasive Environments Google Scholar
OUNI Slim INRIA audiovisual speech, multimodal speech synthesis, speech production, articulatory modeling Google Scholar
Squivee Tiphaine INRIA  
DALLASERRA Anna Maria Fondazione Bruno Kessler  
HECKER Dirk Fraunhofer Institut Mobility Mining, Spatial Data Mining, Mobile Analytics, Big Data Google Scholar
Florian Müller, LMU Munich HCI, Body-Based Interaction, AR, VR, Mobile HCI Google Scholar
Sebastian Feger, LMU Munich Human-Computer Interaction, Physical Computing, Gamification, Data Management, IoT, Security Communication Google Scholar
Renoux Jennifer Örebro University Sweden Human-Machine Teams, Communication Planning, Planning Under Uncertainty, Multi-agent Systems Google Scholar
Grosinger Jasmin Örebro University Sweden Proactive Systems, Robotics, Planning, Epistemic Reasoning, Human-Robot Interaction Google Scholar
Köckemann Uwe Örebro University Sweden Automated Planning, Constraint Satistaction, Hybrid AI, Robotics Google Scholar
Lewis Bettina SAP Sweden  
Tang Susanti Free University Amsterdam  
GARCIA RODRIGO Javier Telefonica  
BISSON Pascal Thales  
VASILJEVS Andrejs Tilde terminology management, machine translation, natural language processing Google Scholar
Melih Deniz Sencer Tübitak Bilgem Türkiye EEG, BCI, neuroscience, signal processing, time-frequency analysis Google Scholar
Durán Juan TU Delft philosophy of science, computer simulations, philosophy of computer science Google Scholar
Oertel Catharine TU Delft Conversational Agents, Multimodal Interaction, Social Signal Processing, Human-Robot Interaction Google Scholar
Maas Jonne TU Delft  
Schüller Peter TU Wien Knowledge Representation, Automated Reasoning, Machine Learning, Intelligent Automation, Scalable Big Data Analytics Google Scholar
Schwab Didier Université Grenoble Alpes Natural Language Processing Google Scholar
Victor Schetinger TU Wien Visual Analytics, Transdisciplinarity, Digital Humanities, Multimedia Forensics, Machine Learning Google Scholar
Kilic Kaan Umea University  
Aler Tubella Andrea Umea University proof theory, logic, deep inference, design of logical systems Google Scholar
Theodorou Andreas Umea University Artificial Intelligence, AI Ethics, AI Governance, AI Safety Google Scholar
Jonsson Anna Umea University Tree automata Google Scholar
Gustavo Luis Umea University  
Yildiz Eren Umea University dialogue management, chatbot, conversational ai, dialogue ai Google Scholar
GALASSI Andrea University of Bologna Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning Google Scholar
Filippini Matteo University of Bologna neuroscience Google Scholar
Bosco Annalisa University of Bologna Life Science Google Scholar
Sîrbu Alina University of Pisa computational biology, complex systems, machine learning, social network analysis, migration Google Scholar
BELLOMO Lorenzo University of Pisa Knowledge Graphs, Entity Linking, NLP, Machine Learning, Bias and polarization Google Scholar
Morini Virginia University of Pisa Network Science, NLP, Polluted Information Systems Google Scholar
Pansanella Valentina University of Pisa Opinion Dynamics, Social Network Analysis, Algorithmic Bias Google Scholar
Cornacchia Giuliano University of Pisa Data Science, Human Mobility, Network Science, Cooperative AI, Multi-Agent Systems Google Scholar
Pugnana Andrea University of Pisa causality, selective classification Google Scholar
Pratesi Francesca University of Pisa data mining, privacy, mobility data Google Scholar
VINCIGUERRA Giorgio University of Pisa Algorithms and Data Structures, Data Compression, Learned data structures, Information retrieval Google Scholar
Maliththa Sahan Bulathwela UCL Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, AI in Education, Educational Data Mining, Open Education Google Scholar
Benjamin Guedj UCL Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Statistical Learning Theory, Statistics Google Scholar
WEEDS Julie University of Sussex Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning Google Scholar
Kornelius Lukas University of Sussex  
Pellatt Lloyd University of Sussex  
Ciliberto Mathias University of Sussex Machine and Deep learning, Template matching methods, Activity recognition, Data collection and analysis, Wearable technologies Google Scholar
Oishi Nobuyuki University of Sussex  
MORILLAS Montserrat University Pompeu Fabra  
De Bois Arno Free University of Belgium  
Vorwerk Lukas Volkswagen GmbH  
Resce Pierpaolo Volkswagen GmbH  
Polizzi Eugenia CNR Italy social dynamics, cooperation, social norms, misinformation  
Wang Yangtao University of Grenoble Alpes Multimodal perception with Transformers  
Atia Cortes Barcelona Supercomputing Center Artificial Intelligence, AI Ethics, Digital healthcare, Assistive technologies  Google Scholar
Dario Garcia-Gasulla Barcelona Supercomputing Center Artificial Intelligence, Graph Mining, Knowledge Representation, Deep Learning  Google Scholar
JOISTEN Karen University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU Ethics, Technoethics for Emerging Digital Systems (TEDS), Technology Ethics, Ethics and Digitization  Google Scholar
BARBAGALLO Ettore University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU Phenomenology, Philosophy of Mind, Narrative Ethics, Ethics and Digitization  Google Scholar