Closing the Symposium on Interaction with Technologies for Human Augmentation

THANKS to the amazing organization of Florian Müller, @Nađa Terzimehić, Sophia Sakel , Julian Rasch and Albrecht Schmidt , we have the closing of the “Symposium on Interaction with Technologies for Human Augmentation” #augmentsymp23 .. Good bye everyone AND looking forward to meet in future events 🥳🥳

If you missed the event, you can see the recording from here:

We had talks from:
Albrecht Schmidt professor at LMU Munich , Paul Lukowicz professor at DFKI,
@heidiki koiki professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Elisabeth André professor at Augsburg university,
Shinichi Furuya senior researcher at Sony,
@asa ito associate professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Max Mühlhäuser professor at TU Darmstadt
Hans Gellersen professor at Lancaster university
Jun Rekimoto professor at the University of Tokyo

Albrecht Schmidt professor at LMU Munich taking a selfie with all attendees.
Albrecht Schmidt professor at LMU Munich taking a selfie with all attendees.


#academicresearch #reunion #AI #humanaugmentation #EUFlagships #future #events


Shinichi Furuya @ Symposium on Interaction with Technologies for Human Augmentation

Shinichi Furuya , the neuroscientist in Sony labs who also doubles as a pianist .. telling us about the ceiling effect and sustainable development of skills .. for example you can train fingers to play faster AND the other untrained hand automatically moves as well! The exoskeleton training can overcome the ceiling effect!

Elisabeth André telling us about a system that helps visually impaired people to get tactile feedback when they fixate on something to help them get an experience closer to seeing .. and another system that gives you audio cues whether it’s a good idea to engage in social interactions or not in a large unknown group of people .. another system to train children with autism to do do movements using a tandem virtual character



#augmentsymp23 #humaneAI #piano #visuallyimpaired #humanaugmentation