Building the first European Human-Centered AI initiative
What are we trying to achieve?
The Humane AI project will develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the ongoing artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. The goal is to design and deploy AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower both individuals and society as a whole to develop AI that extends rather than replaces human intelligence.
What is the vision?
This vision fits very well into the ambitions articulated by the EC in its Communication on AI but cannot be achieved by legislation or political directives alone. Instead it needs fundamentally new solutions to core research problems in AI and human-computer interaction (HCI), especially to help people understand actions recommended or performed by AI systems.
What are the challenges?
Challenges include: learning complex world models; building effective and fully explainable machine learning systems; adapting AI systems to dynamic, open-ended real-world environments (in particular robots and autonomous systems in general); achieving in-depth understanding of humans and complex social contexts; and enabling self-reflection within AI systems.
What is the focus?
The focus is on human-centered AI, with a strong emphasis on ethics, values by design, and appropriate consideration of related legal and social issues. The HumanE AI project will mobilize a research landscape far beyond the direct project funding and create a unique innovation ecosystem that offers substantial return on investment. It will result in significant disruption across its socio-economic impact areas, including Industry 4.0, health & well-being, mobility, education, policy and finance. It will spearhead the efforts required to help Europe achieve a step-change in AI uptake across the economy.
Why are we the best to do it?
The project consortium, with 35 partners from 17 countries, including four large industrial members, will define the details of all aspects necessary to implement a full scale Europan action and project, and mobilize major scientific, industrial, political and public support for the vision.
Who can you contact?
Paul Lukowicz,
Philipp Slusallek,
Albrecht Schmidt,
What are the deliverables?
D1.3 Humane AI Ethical Framework
D2.1 HumanE AI Concept and Research Plan
D5.1 HumanE AI multimedia package
D5.3 HumanE AI all communities’ platform
Who are the partners?
Deutsches Forschungszentrum Fur Kunstliche Intelligenz Gmbh (DE), Aalto Korkeakoulusaatio Sr (FI), Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE), Athina-Erevnitiko Kentro Kainotomias Stis Technologies Tis Pliroforias, Pikoinonion Kai Tis Gnosis (EL), Kozep-Europai Egyetem (HU), Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (IT), Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas (ES), Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (CH), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT), German Entrepreneurship Gmbh (DE), Inesc Tec – Instituto De Engenharia De Sistemas E Computadores, Tecnologia E Ciencia (PT), Ing Groep Nv (NL), Institut National De Recherche Eninformatique Et Automatique (FR), Institut Jozef Stefan (SI), Knowledge 4 All Foundation (UK), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (DE), Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Zur Forderung Der Wissenschaften Ev (DE), Philips Electronics Nederland B.V. (NL), Stichting Vu (NL), Thales Services Sas (FR), Technische Universitat Berlin (DE), Technische Universiteit Delft (NL), Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern (DE), Technische Universitaet Wien (AT), Kobenhavns Universitet (DK), Universiteit Leiden (NL), Umea Universitet (SE), Universita Di Pisa (IT), University College London (UK), Uniwersytet Warszawski (PL), The University Of Sussex (UK), Universidad Pompeu Fabra (ES), Volkswagen Ag (DE), University College Cork (IE), Sorbonne Universite (FR).