Carles Sierra, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
More and more we are involved in applications that are involved or have a social side. We have been working on AI for education and healthcare. We strongly believe that artificial intelligence needs to interact with humans, needs to be integrated in mixed societies with humans and other kinds of machines, so the Humane dimension is essential. There cannot be artificial intelligence without a Humane dimension.
My blue sky project is to have people in control. I am not really willing to have let’s say people in the loop, but people in control. That means that we need to integrate a number of technologies that go from normative systems, argumentation and automatic programming with the purpose of achieving what would be my dream, that a community of people interacting through artificial intelligences define what should be their way of interacting and what should be the norms about their interaction, what should be the way artificial intelligence helps them. And through a process of democratic discussion or selection of procedures, those procedures become code, that is the actual code that those artificial intelligence are going to respect in order to satisfy the constraints that humans have in terms of their social interaction, ethics and so on.