
Human interactions with AI systems are becoming part of our everyday life. If designed and developed efficiently, these interactions have great potential in enhancing human work, abilities, and well-being. Communication, i.e., the transfer of information between partners in an activity, is a crucial aspect of successful interaction and has been studied for years, from AI, HCI, and cognitive sciences points of view, among others. However, we can observe paradoxically relatively little interaction between these communities, even though collaboration would greatly benefit all of them.

Creating a bridge between these communities does not come without its fair share of challenges, among others the fact that HCI research is very often application and user-centered, while AI research seems to place a higher emphasis on theory and method with often little regard for usability and real-life application.

Similarly, AI research often simplifies models drawn from Cognitive Science advances for the sake of scalability, thus ignoring crucial aspects of communication and interaction. Another, maybe most important aspect of the low amount of interaction between communities is a tendency to explore many concepts and questions from an isolated perspective, which may lead to missing out on opportunities and advances provided by the other fields.

This workshop aims to bring these communities closer to each other, understand the specificities and characteristics of communication in human-AI interaction, and identify the salient principles, methods, and theories one has to consider to build meaningful communication systems that involve human and AI partners.

By dissecting the topic of communication from different perspectives, we intend this work to be a stepping stone towards a more global approach to human-AI communication, pushing forward multi-disciplinary efforts in this area.


Attendance is free but registration is mandatory to receive the meeting connection link. Please register here.


  • Jennifer Renoux
  • Jasmin Grosinger
  • Mohamed Chetouani
  • Antti Oulasvirta

Meet the Speakers and Moderators

Antti Oulasvirta, Aalto University
Antti Oulasvirta, Aalto University

Delphine Potdevin, DAVI & LISN Paris Saclay
Delphine Potdevin, DAVI & LISN Paris Saclay

Florian Kunneman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Florian Kunneman, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Jasmin Grosinger, Örebro University
Jasmin Grosinger, Örebro University

Jennifer Renoux, Örebro University
Jennifer Renoux, Örebro University

Yvonne Rogers, University College London
Yvonne Rogers, University College London

Mohamed Chetouani, Sorbonne University
Mohamed Chetouani, Sorbonne University


Time Speakers
13:00 – 13:05 Welcome and Setting-the-stage
13:05 – 13:15
  • Talk by Florian Kunneman (Introducing SUPPLE: A Dialogue Management Approach based on Conversation Patterns)
13:15 – 13:25
  • Talk by Jennifer Renoux (There’s a human in my Multi-Agent System! Communication in Mixed Multi-Agent Systems)
13:25 – 13:35
  • Talk by Jasmin Grosinger (Proactive Human-Machine Communication and Interaction)
13:35 – 13:45
  • Talk by Yvonne Rogers (It’s good to talk: designing micro conversations with chatbots)
13:45 – 13:55
  • Talk by Delphine Potdevin (Toward social virtual agents: the importance of the social dimension in Human-AI Interactions)
13:55 – 14:25
  • Panel discussion
14:25 – 14:30
  • Closing remarks

About HumaneAI Net

The Humane AI Net project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020program aims to bring together the European AI community to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the AI revolution in a direction that is beneficial to humans both individually and societally, and that adheres to European ethical values and social, cultural, legal, and political norms. Key specific questions that the project addresses are:

  • AI systems that „understand” humans
  • AI systems that can interact in complex social settings
  • AI systems that enhance  human capabilities
  • AI systems that empower both individuals and society as a whole carefully balancing individual benefits and social impact of their functionality
  • AI systems that respect human autonomy and self-determination
  • Ethics and Legal Protection “by design” in complex dynamic AI systems