Title WP1 [34] WP2 [29] WP3 [49] WP4 [19] WP5 [23] WP6 [19] WP7 [4] WP8 [4]
3D Semantic Label Transfer and Matching in Human-Robot Collaboration x
A Graph-Based Drift-Aware Data Cloning Process x x x
A Human-AI Collaboration Study using the Geometry Friends Game x
A model and architecture for multi-context, value-aware agents x
A Scoping Review on Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality x
A tale of two consensus. Building consensus in collaborative and self-interested scenarios x x
A tool for mitigating algorithmic biases through explanations x x
A Transparent and Explainable Dialogue System for Immigration Services x
Adaption of ASR for Impaired Speech with minimum resources (AdAIS) x x x
Agent based modeling of the Human-AI ecosystem x
AI Aviation Assistant: An Intelligent Pilot Support Tool x x x
AI Integration Languages: a Case Study on Constrained Machine Learning x x
AI-Assistant to Mitigate Confirmation Bias in Cooperative Bayesian Optimization x
Algorithmic bias and media effects x
An AR-Based Support System for Pancreatic Surgery x x
Asking the right Questions! How to Match Expertise and People for Innovation x
Assistive AI: A Verifiable and Accountable Social Community x
Autobiographical Recall in Virtual Reality x
Building TRUST in social media: assessing the Trustworthiness of public Information on Ukrainian Migration to Europe x
Causality and Explainability in Temporal Data x x x
Collection of datasets tailored for HumanE-AI multimodal perception and modelling x x x
Combining symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches - Improving neural Question- Answering-Systems through Document Analysis for enhanced accuracy and efficiency in Human-AI interaction. x x x
Connected vehicle simulation for AI-based applications x x x
Contesting Black-Box Decisions x
Conversational AI for patient reported outcomes x
Coping with the variability of human feedback during interactive learning through ensemble reinforcement learning x x
Creation of stories and narrative from data of Cultural Heritage x
Decentralized AI on simple social networks x
DIASER: DIAlog task oriented annotations for enhanced modeling of uSER x
Discovering Temporal Logic patterns as binary supervised learning x
Educational module Human-Interactive Robot Learning (HIRL) x x x x
Educational Recommenders with Narratives x x
Ethical chatbots x
Ethical implications of language use with special consideration of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI x x
Evaluating segmentation in automatic captioning systems x
Evidence-based chatbot interaction aimed at reducing sedentary behavior x
Exploring Multi-Modal Interaction Concepts to Support Users in AI-aided Co-
Creation of 3D Objects in Virtual Environments
Exploring the impact of Agency on Human-Computer Partnerships x
Exploring the Role of AI in Amplifying Creative Potential: Fostering
Ownership In Human-AI Collaborations
Feasibility analysis of hardware acceleration for AML x x
Gesture-based Interactive Grounding for Mixed-Reality Human-AI
x x x
Gray-box approach to narrative analysis x x
Graybox methods for augmenting human-driven narrative analyses – beta release of the software package
Grounded dialog models from observation of human-to-human conversation x
Human Behavior is a matter of Time! – Modeling Events Interactions through Temporal Processes x
HAI Net International Workshop on Ubiquitous Technologies for Cognitive enhancement of Human-centred AI (UbiCHAI) x x
Human-machine collaboration for content analysis in context of Ukranian war x x
In Sync: Synchronization in interaction between Humans and Embodied AI Systems x
Intelligent crowdsourcing of geolocation tasks in natural disasters x x x
Interactive Reinforcement Learning for Humorous Agents x x
Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence to improve air quality in cities x x
Knowledge Extraction Through Prompting on Pre-trained Language Models x x
Learning from Richer Feedback Through the Integration of Prior Beliefs x x
Learning Individual Users Strategies for Adaptive UIs x
Linking language and semantic memory for building narratives x x
LWMs teaching to teach x x x
Machine supervision of human activity: The example of rehabilitation exercises x
Making for Everyone: Interactive, voice-based support for the design of 3D objects for digital fabrication x x
Matching the Right People! Creating a functional demonstrator for online matching of people and expertise for innovation x x
Memory Aware Conversational AI to aid virtual Team- Meetings x x x
Meta-level amortization for user modeling and collaborative AI x x x
Metrics for Explainable Agent Behaviour x
Multi-layer evaluation sets for speech translation of web-based meetings x
Multi-Relational Contextual Reasoning for Complex Scene Generation for Autonomous Vehicle Data x x
Multilingual & Multimodal conversational agent x x x
Multilingual Event-Type-Anchored Ontology for Natural Language Understanding (META- O-NLU) x
Multilingual SynSemClass for the Semantic Web (acronym: MSSW) x
Multimodal Perception and Interaction with Transformers x x x
Multivariate Asynchronous Shapelets for Imbalanced Car Crash Predictions x
Natural Imitation of Dance Moves and Human Gestures with a Humanoid Robot x
Network effects of mobility navigation systems x
Neural mechanism in human brain activity during weight lifting x x
Neural-Symbolic Integration: explainability and reasoning in KENN x
Normative behavior and extremism in facebook groups x x x
Online Deep-AUTOML x
Optimal Alerting x
Pluralistic Recommendation in News x
Polarization with the Friedkin-Johnsen model over a dynamic social network x x x
Prediction of static and perturbed reach goals from movement kinematics x
Proactive announcement based on DEL (Dynamic Epistemic Logic) x x x
Proactive communication in social robots x
Promoting Fairness and Diversity in Speech Datasets for Affective Computing x
Prompt Design for Everyone: Interactive Grounding for Non-AI Experts in Large- Language Models x
Reasoning on Contextual Hierarchies via Answer Set Programming with Algebraic Measures x
Robustness verification for Concept Drift Detection x x
SciNoBo: A Collaborative AI Assistant in Science Communication x x x
Social AI gossiping x
Social dilemma with information asymmetry x x
Social interaction cues in non-anthropomorphic robots x
Social interactions with robots x
Social Norms to counteract misinformation in human-AI hybrid systems x x x x
Socially Aware Interactions x x
Storyboarder: combining Play Script and Image Generation x
Telefonica – assessing the ethical and societal impact of the air quality system x
Telefonica – validating the air quality prototype in a real city x
The Effect of Perceived Task Difficulty on Human Overreliance on AI x
The knowledgeable and empathic behavior change coach x
The role of designers regarding AI design: a case study x
The temporal and biological factors of our vulnerability to disinformation x
To develop a trustworthy AI model for situation awareness by using mixed reality in Police interventions. x
Transferring research to implementation! How to manage the launch of AI ventures in businesses with replicable and adaptable mechanisms x
Trustworthy Voting Advice Applications x x
Uncertainty Handling in Highly Automated Driving: Beyond Data x
Use of dialog context to boost ASR/NLG/TTS and improve the overall quality of voice dialog systems x x
Validating fairness property in post-processing vs in-processing systems x x
Venice: creation of stories and narrative from data of Cultural Heritage x
What idea of AI? Social and public perception of AI x x
X5Learn: A Personalised Learning Companion at the Intersection of AI and HCI x x x x
XAI model for human readable data aimed at connected car crash detection x x