Victor Paléologue, Sorbonne Université
What is your opinion on Human – Centered AI?
It is really important that it is Human – centered, just because robots are only tools, it is not meant to be anything else. It is meant just to do what you want of it, you have to keep in control with your devices, would be your computer, your cellphone, your robot, it’s the same, you have to be in power with it. It has to be centered to help you personally. Its inevitable, otherwise that’s pointless to robotics. Stalking the future, we can imagine if a robot can understand whatever happens in your home, that you can tell about it, lets say about the furniture is there, about the rooms, about the people living in there and you can make everything together, lets say okay, make some meal and prepare something for the dinner for this person who will come home tonight or whatever, it is really the ideal of a robot that you can do whatever you want with it. It really needs to understand the world in which it is and just trying to make the human able to teach the robot, just this is a step towards that. In the end, the robot if it understands so much it can do whatever you like of it, like the sci-fi movies, you know. I don’t think its science fiction, its not working yet, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t happen really. Technologies are there and we are working towards that, it’s a long road, but I am pretty sure we are going to do it.