Marco Pistore, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
What is your opinion on Human – Centered AI?
Well Human – Centered AI, AI in my opinion is a big tool we have in our hands. And for this reason we have to understand this and really make it our own tools. This is particularly true for Europe. We know that in other countries AI serves the government or serves over the top companies. In Europe we really believe that AI can serve the needs and the desires of the society. Human AI is big opportunity to bring researches from many different fields together in order to work on all the different aspects of AI, and achieve the mission, the challenge that I mentioned before.
What would be your blue sky project in AI for Europe?
Okay. Well, this is a difficult question, since of course if I had infinite resources I’m not sure what I would do. What I think the point here is to use the resources to find research in a bottom up way. I don’t think we really have a ultimate goal that we know where we can spend money. We have to give money to research in order to make it robust and solve the problems we will face in the next years.