Successful opening of HHAI 2024 and Macro-projects presentations

The 3rd International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2024) commenced with great enthusiasm at Malmö University, Sweden. In cooperation with Umeå University and sponsored by HumaneAI-Net, the event marked a significant milestone in the AI community.

The opening ceremony was followed by an impressive showcase of macro-projects, featuring detailed posters and engaging demos. Researchers and attendees explored innovative AI solutions and their applications, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge exchange and future partnerships.

The successful start of HHAI 2024 sets a promising tone for the rest of the conference, highlighting the vital role of collaboration in advancing AI research and its impact on society.

AI in Africa & SDGs Workshop at HHAI 2024

The “AI in Africa & SDGs: Bridging Networks and Fostering Climate Action” workshop was successfully held on June 11, 2024, as part of the 3rd International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI 2024). Hosted at Malmö University, in collaboration with Umeå University and organized by the Network for Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge, and Sustainable Development (Naixus), this workshop focused on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a special emphasis on climate action in Africa.

Workshop Highlights

The workshop aimed to harness AI for climate resilience, sustainable agriculture, and policy support for SDGs. It featured a half-day session exploring AI’s role in these areas, alongside a Discovery Workshop that included brief, impactful presentations on AI innovations for SDGs. The event was designed to stimulate discussion, encourage collaboration, and showcase AI solutions to connect researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and communities across Africa.

Future Directions

The workshop concluded with a call to action for continued collaboration and knowledge exchange to strengthen networks for AI and SDGs in Africa. By highlighting successful AI projects and fostering dialogue among diverse stakeholders, the workshop aims to outline actionable strategies for leveraging AI in climate action and contribute to the achievement of SDGs through innovative technological applications.



Humane AI Net joined forces with the AI4Moms initiative

Humane AI Net joined forces with the AI4Moms initiative in collaboration with Start2 Group GermanEntrepreneurship, AI4Europe AIoD, Societal COmmunication in times of PErmacrisis (SCOPE), RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, University College Cork and are delighted to announce our upcoming AI Hackathon:

🎙 Future-Forward Families: Hacking AI-Powered Startups for Modern Parenthood hashtagfutureforwardfamilies
⏰ When? Tue May 28th, 2024
📌 Where? Kaiserslautern, Germany in Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)

Join us for a one-day Hackathon to 1️⃣ learn how AI can empower parents to streamline their daily tasks and 2️⃣ propose a startup focused on family-oriented solutions using AI. You can be one of the 3 winning teams 🏅🏅

👯 Who should join us? Parents seeking innovative solutions for family life AND/OR tech enthusiasts eager to dive into the world of AI.
⚠⚠ No prior programming or AI tool experience is required!

🌐 Check our website:
🤼 Register now:
⏰ Registration deadline: rolling basis (few spots left .. sign up & we’ll send a confirmation based on availability within 24 hours)

chatgpt largelanguagemodels parenting hackathon
hacking startups science AIToolsAI4Moms

Humane AI Net joined forces with the AI4Moms initiative
Humane AI Net joined forces with the AI4Moms initiative

HumaneAI-Net partners receive an ERC grant

Congratulations to one of the consortium leaders Antti Oulasvirta on receiving the ERC grant, one of the most prestigious funds in Europe for scientists to pursue their personal research vision.

Olli Ikkala’s project is broadly related to reducing the harmful pollutants associated with the resource-intensive dye and pigment industry. Structural colours based on light reflection are being extensively developed as part of the research into sustainable development.

🗨️‘Could it be possible in the future to change the structural colours, for example with light? Could colours adapt like in biology?’

Antti Oulasvirta creates computational models of human behaviour, thought processes and experiences. He believes that humanity would get a great deal more out of technology like AI if computers had a better understanding of their users.

🗨️‘It is not enough for us that our user model works, but if we succeed, we will also have the opportunity to talk to the user model within the operating environment.’

Vili Lehdonvirta’s project examines the geopolitics of digital infrastructures. Data storage and processing are moving from local devices to hyperscale data centres in a “reverse personal computing revolution”.

🗨️‘I seek for the first time to map this changing geography of computation and uncover how different states are attempting to shape it to their advantage.’

HumaneAI meeting in Sweden

The first day of Humane AI meeting in universum building, Umeå University. we focused on pushing and further developing 4 bigger blocks projects (macroprojects): benchmarking for human-AI collaboration using GenAI models, ethical metrics for humane AI, learning using GenAI, and impact of genAI on the society.

LWM Hackathon delivered

In the last 2 days, Humane AI Net co-organized a hackathon to enhance research productivity in collaboration with dAIEDGE, @ENFIELD, Societal COmmunication in times of PErmacrisis (SCOPE), Start2 Group and Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI).

Participants used ChatGPT to prototype tools quickly to help scientists and create a startup. 24 participants competed through 8 teams and presented their ideas. They were juried by academic and industrial researchers as well as entrepreneurs: Kaisa Väänänen (Prof. in Tampere University), Jie Li (Research head in EPAM Systems Netherlands), Alain Pagani (Principle Investigator in Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)) and Andreas Keilhacker (Exosystem lead in Start2 Group)

We had 3 winners

1. Team 🥇: Data Scribe by Salma Wafa, Olga Zagovora, and Lars Krupp
They created a tool to summarize related work + fetch all relevant resources like GitHub & other ones you missed.

2. Team 🥈 : Swansons Scholary Insights by Niklas H., Giacomo Zamprogno, Dimitris Alivanistos, and Leon Eshuijs
They created a tool using the (swanson) method to discover impactful papers and deduce new hypotheses by linking them from different domains.

3. Team 🥉 : Shower wisdom by Hend ElDamaty, Michaela Vollmer, and Jan Tauberschmidt
They created a tool to capture thoughts during showers and give you quick audio feedback on whether pursuing them is a good idea.

Congratulations to all the winners 🎉🎉We are very proud and impressed by all the outcomes.

The event is organized by Siobhan O’Neill, Anastasiya Zakreuskaya, Mohamed Selim, Joanna Sorysz, Passant Elagroudy, Marco Hirsch, Stefan Gerd Fritsch, Sebastian Vollmer, and Paul Lukowicz.

Hackathon website:

hashtagAI hashtaggenerativeAI hashtagresearchproductivity hashtaghackathonwinners

Public talk by Paul Lukowicz Humane AI Net coordinator @ Winterschool 2024

Paul Lukowicz is talking about the magic of matrix multiplication at the 2024 hcilab Winter School 
Paul Lukowicz is talking about the magic of matrix multiplication at the 2024HCI Winter School
Paul Lukowicz is talking about the magic of matrix multiplication at the 2024
HCI Winter School

Paul Lukowicz speaking at KuppingerCole Analysts AG

We are excited to announce that Paul Lukowicz will join KuppingerCole Analysts AG’s cyberevolution event as a speaker this November 14 – 16, in Frankfurt, Germany. This will be a one-of-a-kind event exploring the impact of digitization and AI on the future of cybersecurity. Don’t miss his session on November 16 at 11:55

Session details:

hashtagai hashtagethics hashtagambiguity hashtagresearchers hashtagpractice hashtagfuture

Paul Lukowicz will join KuppingerCole Analysts AG’s cyberevolution event as a speaker this November 14 – 16, in Frankfurt, Germany
Paul Lukowicz will join KuppingerCole Analysts AG’s cyberevolution event as a speaker this November 14 – 16, in Frankfurt, Germany


Public talks by Paul Lukowicz Humane AI Net coordinator

Our PI Paul Lukowicz gave several talks in the last couple of weeks in leading AI-venues disseminating and reflecting on the research done with the network. For example, he gave a talk in an event about “Legal Protection Debt in the ML Pipeline” organized by FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute about how to curate data in the age of AI. He also gave a keynote in the AISafety & SafeRL workshop in the 32th conference: IJCAI International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization 2023. It targets the need to rethink the safety of AI systems beyond mere adherence to formal specs & and regulations, especially when it comes to interactions on societal levels.

Know more about IJCAI workshop?

Humane AI talents at UbiComp and ISWC 2023

🎁🎁 AWARD 1: 20-year impact🎖 🎖
Principle Investigator Paul Lukowicz along with Helene Brashear, PhD, Thad Starner, and Holger Junker, won the 20 year impact award for their paper “Using multiple sensors for mobile sign language recognition”

📰📰 check the paper:
📽📽 announcement video:

🎁🎁 AWARD 2: Best paper🎖 🎖
Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) and RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau Kaiserslautern team Lala Ray, Dr. Bo Zhou, Sungho Suh, and Paul Lukowicz won the best paper award for their work “Selecting the Motion Ground Truth for Loose-fitting Wearables: Benchmarking Optical MoCap Methods”

📰📰 check the paper:
📽📽 announcement video:

Congratulations for all the winners for your awesome work #AwardOverdrive #AI #ActivityRecognition #Wearables

Tutorial on Experimental Methodologies for Cognitive Human Augmentation

Check one of our senior researchers at Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI)), Agnes Gruenerbl joining forces with Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann and @jan spilski from the Cognitive Science department in RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau and Giulia Barbareschi from the Media Fesign group in Keio University organizing a tutorial in the top tier conference UbiComp/ISWC 2023 in #cancun, mexico.

The tutorial is titled (Experimental methodologies for cognitive human augmentation) and it was widely attended and well perceived by the conference attendees.

Know more about the tutorial from here:


HumaneAI project passed second review by European Commisssion

The HumaneAI project, recently underwent a comprehensive review by the European Commission. We are elated to announce that the review culminated in high praise for our initiative, highlighting the efforts of our collaborating European research centers, universities, and leading industrial partners.

Our EU-funded HumanE-AI-Net project stands as a beacon of collaborative excellence, uniting forefront AI laboratories with critical stakeholders in areas like human-computer interaction, cognitive sciences, social studies, and complexity sciences. This convergence of knowledge and innovation is pivotal in driving researchers to venture beyond the confines of their specialized domains and engage with the broader expanse of AI studies.

The central challenge of HumaneAI is not merely technical but also philosophical: How can we cultivate AI systems that are not only technically robust but also profoundly humane? Our mission is to develop AI platforms that can resonate with human emotions, adapt seamlessly to multifaceted real-world environments, and interact meaningfully within intricate social contexts.

This recent commendation by the European Commission serves as a testament to our commitment and the strides we have made so far. It propels us further in our pursuit to establish the bedrock principles of a novel scientific approach that envisions AI systems aligned with European values, bringing them closer to the aspirations and needs of European citizens.

As we bask in this moment of recognition, we remain deeply cognizant of the journey ahead. We are more determined than ever to ensure that the future of AI not only resonates with cutting-edge technology but also with the very essence of human values, aspirations, and well-being.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to all our collaborators, partners, and the entire HumaneAI community for their relentless dedication and contributions. Together, we’re not just pioneering technological advancements, but sculpting the very future of how humans and AI coalesce.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey in shaping the AI of tomorrow, today.